I’ve been a storyteller from the moment I was able to talk. I love newspaper clippings, old Polaroids and cheesy song lyrics. When I was young, my grandmother kept her coffee table stacked with her kids' wedding albums. The idea of being able to hold on to a special moment in time forever captivated me. I bought a pink Sony digital camera when I was 12 years old, and I’ve been capturing photos ever since.

When I was in college, I was certain I was supposed to be a print journalist. I was active in my university's newspaper (editor-in-chief my last semester!), but after a photojournalism study abroad to Namibia, I felt my heart shift. Still, I thought I knew my plans best and decided to pursue a different career through a graduate advertising program. When I finally let go of what I thought I wanted, God came through and opened the doors for photography beyond what I could've imagined. I haven't looked back.

I’m a small town girl at heart. I dream of nature — tall trees, blue skies and winding dirt roads. Environments where I don't feel forced to be anything, but can simply just be. I alternate my time between Nashville and Texas, but I’m always down to travel a bit. 

you can call me sam
if you want!





"When I got to look back at the photos, I felt like the photos actually looked like me. She captured all the right moments so the finished product captivated the best aspects of myself."